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Share Family

SHARE FAMILY – Linked Data Environment

From the initial SHARE Catalogue, that involved the universities of Southern Italy, and SHARE-VDE,

a project of relevance promoted by Casalini Libri, a new project has now been conceived and is being developed: SHARE Family. An ensemble of projects that share the common objective of safeguarding the future of catalogues by creating efficient environments that facilitate cataloguing, identification and enrichment of bibliographic records in linked data. 

SHARE – Linked Data Environment 

Technology at the service of the community

The success of SHARE Family does not depend solely on innovative technologies but, above all, on the collaboration between project partners and communities of libraries, archives and museums.

What is truly revolutionary is that tools and services are not guided by the interest of who is developing them but by the needs of the user, thanks to the active participation of an international group of national libraries, research and bibliographic agencies of primary importance at a global level. 


Facility in adopting innovative tools

Family represents the will to grow and improve together, integrating comments and requests from users in every phase of development; this confers to the tools a unique and exceptional added value: familiarity, that facilitates learning and use

Maggiore qualità dei servizi

Concepiti sia per agevolare gli enti, di ogni dimensione e tipologia, ad offrire un mondo informativo nuovo, più ricco ed interconnesso, sia per aiutare gli utenti finali ad orientarsi in esso

Greater service quality

Conceived to facilitate institutions, of all sizes and types, by offering a new world of information that is both richer and more interconnected, as well as end users by assisting them in the orientation of this environment